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No Code Is Written in a Vacuum: Toad for Oracle Pro Helps Ensure Team-friendly PL/SQL

No Code Is Written in a Vacuum: Toad for Oracle Pro Helps Ensure Team-friendly PL/SQL
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Oct. 1, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
No Code Is Written in a Vacuum: Toad for Oracle Pro Helps Ensure Team-friendly PL/SQL

Anyone in your organization writing PL/SQL code is writing code that other team members may have to someday read, interpret, alter and maintain.  That’s why it’s so important to use a good code review tool to ensure coding standards are met.

If you have code standards in place already, whether for formatting code or for using (or not using) particular clauses and constructs in code, the standards are meant to ensure that quality code is being promoted to production always.

You can rely on Toad® for Oracle by Quest® as your code review tool. Use it to define coding standards from a selection of 200 rules, or create new rules, to ensure development teams can correct code as they type and consistently improve overall quality. The right code review tool will make it easier to maintain code in the future and reduce the likelihood of defects.

In this session, you’ll learn about the importance of running code reviews of PL/SQL objects. You’ll also see how you can use Toad for Oracle to:

  • Run code reviews using out-of-the-box rules
  • Create new rules for your code reviews
  • Automate code reviews


Albert Rodriguez, Software Sales Engineer, Database Management Solutions at Quest

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