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Method to the MAD-ness

Method to the MAD-ness
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Nov. 30, 2021
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Method to the MAD-ness

We know mergers & acquisitions (M&A) IT integrations aren’t easy or small but nailing your IT integration is essential to hitting your M&A ROI targets. While each M&A is different, the methodology doesn’t change. Your chance of success for an M&A is much higher when you implement repeatable processes.  

Join Quest’s Mike Weaver (Microsoft MVP), Chris Thorpe and Chris Frewin as they explore these processes, both technical and human, that are required to support the current Merger, Acquisition and Divestiture world that we are living in! 

They will delve into areas such as: 

  • The inherent problems of IT Professionals in M&A Activity 
  • Communication Requirements 
  • The rapid adoption of tech in our COVID working world 
  • Migrating services that were not designed for migration 
  • Finding the right cadence and pace of change for a successful integration 


  • Mike Weaver - Quest Software Senior Product Manager & Microsoft MVP
  • Chris Thorpe - Quest Software Cloud Solutions Architect
  • Chris Frewin - Quest Software Solutions Architect

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