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How to Choose a Database Platform

How to Choose a Database Platform
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Dec. 6, 2023
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
How to Choose a Database Platform

Guy Harrison, renowned author, and expert, delivers an engaging guide on selecting the ideal database platform for varying workloads.

By analyzing historical trends, he identifies present choices to avoid future pitfalls. He delves into Consistency, Schema, Processing Speeds, Format, and Storage. Addressing workload types like Global Scale, Data Warehousing, OLTP, and DevOps, emphasizing Rapid Development and Strong JSON support, paving a pragmatic path to decide on the best database platform to suit your future needs.

Watch this Quest EMPOWER Talk now. Then, take advantage of this complimentary analyst report, 2024 State of Cloud Adoption and Modernization, on us.

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