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Hot Keys, Preferences and Filters, Oh My: Customize Toad to Suit your Style

Hot Keys, Preferences and Filters, Oh My: Customize Toad to Suit your Style
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:May 7, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Hot Keys, Preferences and Filters, Oh My: Customize Toad to Suit your Style
Do you take the same actions every day with Toad for Oracle? Did you know that you can create hot keys to perform those actions and streamline your tasks? You can also create filters to remove items that you don’t use frequently or don’t need to see. And there are other configurations you might not know about that affect how Toad looks and behaves. 

In this on demand session, we’ll cover these settings and offer a few more tips to help you get the most from Toad for Oracle.


Speaker: Mark Kurtz

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