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GDPR Compliance Reporting Best Practices

GDPR Compliance Reporting Best Practices
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Nov. 13, 2018
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
GDPR Compliance Reporting Best Practices

Now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is here, are you ready to report on your GDPR compliance? If you’re not compliant, the enforced punitive measures, negative publicity and headlines could be far more damaging than the highly-publicized fines. That’s why it’s critical that you’re ready to prove compliance if the Data Protection Authority comes knocking on your door.

Listen to this webcast as we explore best practices for GDPR compliance reporting. We’ll discuss what we’ve learned from the market since the GDPR took effect almost six months ago and pinpoint areas across your Microsoft environment that you need to continuously monitor and secure. Lastly, you’ll see a live demo of our new version of Change Auditor that now includes over 190 built-in reports you can implement immediately to help assess your GDPR compliance.


  • Dan Gauntner, product marketing manager
  • Colin Truran, principal technology strategist
  • Jim Gibson, sales engineer

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