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Enabling Database Development Agility for DevOps

Enabling Database Development Agility for DevOps
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Feb. 15, 2018
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Enabling Database Development Agility for DevOps

Join guest speaker IDC research director Melinda Ballou and Quest® Toad® product manager John Pocknell as they discuss the state of DevOps and the value it provides for continuous application delivery.  

This session will highlight the advantages of bringing database development into the DevOps pipeline. You’ll learn how this prevents bottlenecks from occurring when application releases require database changes. You’ll also get to see how new tooling helps integrate Oracle database development processes to accelerate DevOps momentum. 

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of:

  • The challenges and benefits of DevOps
  • Key factors for DevOps success
  • How software can support DevOps processes and integration of the database


John Pocknell

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