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Defending the Identity Nexus

Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Dec. 6, 2022
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
As technology has evolved, so has the use of the different platforms – and inter-connecting these platforms to increase efficiencies. The challenge is that attackers leverage these connection points to gain access to data, escalate privileges, and persist. This session explores a typical corporate environment, its configuration and its weaknesses. The technology platforms explored include Active Directory, VMware vSphere, Azure AD, and Azure (IaaS, aka "cloud datacenter"). We will talk through common integration and configuration components, how attackers take advantage of these connections, and how to mitigate these attack techniques. The scenarios covered during this talk include how an attacker with "user" rights in one platform can leverage connection points and configured access to escalate privileges in another.


Sean Metcalf - Microsoft Certified Master, Founder & CTO
Trimarc Security, LLC

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