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Database Training Days 201: Demystifying CXPACKET and CXCONSUMER with Brent Ozar

  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Nov. 9, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete

If you've managed database performance, you've likely encountered the wait types CXPACKET and CXCONSUMER. With so much conflicting advice on how to address these issues, it’s easy to make the wrong call—like setting MAXDOP to 1, which isn't always the right solution. In this session, Brent Ozar will guide you through what happens when SQL Server parallelizes queries correctly, what causes parallelism to go awry, and the steps you can take to fix it.

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • The role of CXPACKET and CXCONSUMER wait types in SQL Server
  • Understanding query parallelism and when it goes wrong
  • Best practices for managing and optimizing parallel queries
  • Practical solutions for resolving issues without compromising performance


  • Brent Ozar, Microsoft Certified Master

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