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Database Training Days 101: Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL

Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jul. 9, 2024
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL

In today's data-driven world, the demand for data is increasing, and its protection is critical. Oracle is everywhere—from ERP systems to medical and other applications. However, not all applications require the extensive features and costs associated with Oracle. In this dynamic session, we will explore practical strategies for moving data from Oracle to PostgreSQL, focusing on the key considerations to ensure a smooth and efficient transition.

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • High-level trends in data and the growing need for data movement
  • The impact of increasing data demand
  • Challenges in moving applications that access the data
  • Key considerations for data growth, demand, and protection
  • Options for selective data movement from Oracle to PostgreSQL


  • Clay Jackson
    Senior Sales Engineer, Quest Software

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