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Database Replication for Zero Downtime Migrations, High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Database Replication for Zero Downtime Migrations, High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jul. 31, 2017
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Database Replication for Zero Downtime Migrations, High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Our recent DBA survey revealed that a majority of DBAs are struggling to manage, maintain and ensure database availability across heterogeneous, mission-critical databases. Both Oracle and SQL Server DBAs are dealing with late night calls, production database crashes as well as planned and unplanned downtime.

In this on-demand session, you’ll see how SharePlex database replication makes it unbelievably simple to ensure high availability, integrate data in real time, offload reporting and complete your database migration projects without stress and risk.

You’ll learn easy techniques to:

  • Adopt cloud-based platforms like Amazon RDS, EC2 or Azure and open-source databases like Postgres, MySQL or Kafka without downtime.
  • Maximize database uptime for high availability environments supporting business-critical applications.
  • Meet real-time data integration needs for reporting and analytics.
  • Explore cloud/open-source databases with zero impact to production databases.


  • Charles Kim - President & Founder of Viscosity North America

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