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Creating Value in Higher Education through ERP Automation

Learn how to solve application change management challenges in higher education.
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Mar. 1, 2022
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Learn how to solve application change management challenges in higher education.

We’ll solve application change management challenges faced by higher education teams. You’ll see how to automate your application change and patch processes to save time and reduce costs. You’ll learn how to version, manage and deploy your PeopleSoft and/or Oracle E-Business Suite application changes in a safe, reliable and compliant manner.

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Reduce the time and effort it takes to patch and apply file, schema and configuration changes by an average of 75 percent
  • Reduce the time it takes to audit those changes by as much as 90 percent (and achieve better audit outcomes too!)
  • Recover changes in flight after an environment refresh in minutes instead of hours or even days

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