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Connecting and Collaborating in a Remote-Work World

Connecting and Collaborating in a Remote-Work World
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Nov. 20, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Connecting and Collaborating in a Remote-Work World

It’s never been more important for organizations to stay connected. Even before the pandemic, governments across the country were already moving to cloud communication tools. The disruptions of the past eight months have accelerated the public sector’s surge toward the cloud. Yet many challenges remain when it comes to migrating your content.

In this educational half-hour on-demand webinar, Government Technology and Quest will walk through the basics of content migration to one of the gold-standard cloud communication tools, Office 365. In this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to seamlessly migrate your existing content to Office 365 with zero impact to end users
  • How cloud platforms empower your team to communicate and collaborate from the office, from home and anywhere else
  • How cloud tools provide greater flexibility in the current environment, and greater resiliency in the face of future crises


  • Paul Clanton, Senior Fellow, Center for Digital Government
  • Roy Martinez, Strategic Solutions Consultant, Quest Software

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