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Best Practices in Office 365 Data Protection

Best Practices in Office 365 Data Protection
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Nov. 12, 2019
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Best Practices in Office 365 Data Protection

If you think your Microsoft Office 365 data is fully protected, think again! Microsoft provides rudimentary data protection capabilities as part of its Office 365 SaaS solution, but it falls short from being able to deliver the data protection and recovery requirements you need. In this on-demand webcast, you’ll learn about the data protection gaps left by Microsoft’s Office 365 protection, the risks posed, and how to overcome them with a comprehensive 3rd-party data protection solution. Topics include:

  • Typical market needs for protecting Office 365
  • Microsoft’s existing Office 365 protection capabilities
  • Gaps in the Microsoft capabilities and risks they pose
  • Best practices in protecting Office 365, including controlling what you back up, how often, where backups are stored, etc.


  • Nathan O'Bryan - Microsoft MVP
  • Michael Gogos - NetVault Product Manager

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