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Replicate from Oracle or PostgreSQL Databases to New Platforms with SharePlex by Quest

Replicate from Oracle or PostgreSQL Databases to New Platforms with SharePlex by Quest

SharePlex by Quest is software that enables replication from Oracle and PostgreSQL databases to a variety of platforms to achieve high availability and increase scalability, integrated data, and reporting to support many business use cases.

As organizations adopt modern platforms, they are introduced to a whole new set of challenges around business operations. There is constant pressure to drive down operational costs (including efforts by DBAs/staff, licensing costs, etc.) and implement new platforms to replace high-cost vendor databases, amplifying the need for interoperability between various systems. They must do all of this while also avoiding downtime and de-risking cross-platform migrations with the ability to ensure high availability and data recovery on open source databases to reduce costs. Learn more in this ESG analysis.

Replicate from Oracle or PostgreSQL Databases to New Platforms with SharePlex by Quest

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