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Toad Skills 101: Mastering Your Oracle Database Connection (GMT)

Toad Skills 101: Mastering Your Oracle Database Connection



  • Datum:Aug. 20, 2025
  • Zeit: 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM GMT
  • Ort:Microsoft Teams Townhall
  • Veranstaltung:Online
Toad Skills 101: Mastering Your Oracle Database Connection

Join us for an engaging session as we explore the diverse methods of connecting to databases within Toad for Oracle! We'll uncover the intricacies of Toad's connectivity options and share best practices, tips, and tricks to help you optimize your database interactions. Streamline your workflow and boost your productivity—don’t miss out!

  • Establishing Connections: Discover three powerful methods for connecting: TNS, Direct, and LDAP.
  • Managing Connections: Learn how to effortlessly export and import connections from another instance of Toad for Oracle.
  • Streamlined Access: Explore the convenience of Auto Connections to bypass the Connection Manager and automatically log into your database upon launch.
  • Integrating Workspaces: Understand how Workspaces can seamlessly connect to established databases and schemas for enhanced productivity.

Speaker: Albert Rodgriguez

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