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My First 80 hours as a SharePlex Administrator (EST)

My First 80 hours as a SharePlex Administrator



  • Datum:Nov. 13, 2024
  • Zeit: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
  • Dauer:30 Minuten
  • Ort:Microsoft Teams Townhall
  • Veranstaltung:Online
My First 80 hours as a SharePlex Administrator

Are you ready to elevate your SharePlex expertise and manage your environment like a pro? We invite you to join our dynamic webcast crafted specifically for new SharePlex administrators eager to navigate their roles with assurance and skill. In this engaging session, we’ll walk you through essential strategies for effective SharePlex administration, empowering you to ensure smooth and efficient replication.

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • A comprehensive overview of SharePlex processes, complete with tips on where to find valuable resources for ongoing support.
  • Step-by-step guidance on modifying your current SharePlex configuration to optimize performance.
  • Proven techniques for verifying each process to maintain integrity and reliability.

Speaker:  Alex Chan

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