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vRanger 7.6.6 vSphere 6.7

I am getting what appears to be an old error when using a new install of vRanger 7.6.6 (new DB).

I am unable to restore any VM with a CD-ROM attached via a SATA Controller with the following error:

Error: API Call failed with message: Invalid configuration for device '12'. Device Type: VMwareVirtualCdRom

The device ID changes from VM to VM but the rest of the error is the same, if I switch to an IDE Controller for the CD-ROM then the restore works just fine.

It looks exactly like this issue that was resolved long ago but crept back up:

Any idea how to resolve?


  • Figured out a little more, it's the hardware version... I tried a backup and restore of a Windows Server 2016 template that's using hardware version 13 (ESXi 6.5) and it restores fine while using the SATA Controller.

    So just hardware version 14 using the SATA Controller is an issue, I'm going to see if it works if I upgrade it to version 14 rather than start at 14 as my current templates where rebuilt for ESXi 6.7 using hardware version 14.

  • Figured out a little more, it's the hardware version... I tried a backup and restore of a Windows Server 2016 template that's using hardware version 13 (ESXi 6.5) and it restores fine while using the SATA Controller.

    So just hardware version 14 using the SATA Controller is an issue, I'm going to see if it works if I upgrade it to version 14 rather than start at 14 as my current templates where rebuilt for ESXi 6.7 using hardware version 14.

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