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How to properly create backup for Microsoft SQL Database?


I have question about Quest vRanger. How is possible create proper backup for Microsoft SQL Database server? I mean transaction logs, .... Thanks.


  • You can take backup of Microsoft SQL database by two ways:


    1. Using SQL Server Management Studio
    • Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
    • Connect to the "ServerName\Instance" of the server that has the DB you want backed up.
    • Expand the Databases tab to get to the DB you want to back up.
    • Right click the desired DB --> Tasks --> Back Up...
    • Set "Backup Type" to "Full"
    • Go through the rest of the General and Options tab information to set the options to what you want.
    • Click OK to start the Backup process.


    1. Using T-SQL
    • Specify path to store database backups
    • Specify backup file name format
    • Select list of databases to backup
    • Loop through databases
    • Programmatically create database backup command using database name, path and file name format
    • See attached SQL Server backup script


    It’s very important to take a backup for SQL Database on regular basis. Sometimes, users fail to restore data backup due to known reasons. In this situation, you can go for alternative solution like Stellar SQL Database Toolkit.

  • You can take backup of Microsoft SQL database by two ways:


    1. Using SQL Server Management Studio
    • Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
    • Connect to the "ServerName\Instance" of the server that has the DB you want backed up.
    • Expand the Databases tab to get to the DB you want to back up.
    • Right click the desired DB --> Tasks --> Back Up...
    • Set "Backup Type" to "Full"
    • Go through the rest of the General and Options tab information to set the options to what you want.
    • Click OK to start the Backup process.


    1. Using T-SQL
    • Specify path to store database backups
    • Specify backup file name format
    • Select list of databases to backup
    • Loop through databases
    • Programmatically create database backup command using database name, path and file name format
    • See attached SQL Server backup script


    It’s very important to take a backup for SQL Database on regular basis. Sometimes, users fail to restore data backup due to known reasons. In this situation, you can go for alternative solution like Stellar SQL Database Toolkit.

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