Replication failed since 7.6.5 upgrade


Dear all,

Since 7.6.5 upgrade, all of my replication failed.

I have this message :

[2018-06-11 17:51:45.650]: Error: 2760 - FATAL vix_cant_open_detail VIX can't open [Datastore Virtual Machines] SCPMPAR01_Replica/SCPMPAR01_Replica.vmdk (Cannot connect to the host) [at vddkd_open_internal:562] [at vix_open:385]

Can you help me?

Many thanks.



  • Hello Kevin, 

    It would seem that the Target VA used for the replication cannot connect to the host that holds the SCPMPAR01_Replica virtual machine on port 902. Can you please check if this is the case? You can connect to that VA and do a telnet to that host using the 902 port. It should respond with VMware authentication if it is working fine. 

    Please let me know if this helps. 

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous over 6 years ago in reply to Alexis Castillo

    Hello Alexis,

    Thank you for the answer.

    I was successful at establishing the telnet connection on port 902, between the two virtual appliances and all hosts.
    Unfortunately the replication still does not work. It worked well before the VA migration to the latest version.
    thanks for the help
  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous over 6 years ago in reply to Alexis Castillo

    Hello Alexis,

    Thank you for the answer.

    I was successful at establishing the telnet connection on port 902, between the two virtual appliances and all hosts.
    Unfortunately the replication still does not work. It worked well before the VA migration to the latest version.
    thanks for the help
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