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File-Level Restore of over 60k files in 1 folder - slow performance

Hey all.

I have an instance where I need to recovery about 120,000 1k-5k files between 2 folders (doing 1 folder at a time), but the restore process is taking an extraordinary amount of time.   I'm seeing a 1k file process in about 5-10 seconds with 2 of them running at the same time.


The CPU and memory load on the server is extremely low.  The back-end storage is on an ExaGrid storage device with SMB shares enabled.

   The Vizioncore.vRanger.Client.Shell.exe is hovering between 1% cpu to 3%.  The vznwinio.exe's (2 of them) go from 0-2%.

This is on 7.6.4 of vRanger.   Has anyone had a similar experience with a great # of files like this?

