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vranger 7.6 disappeared!!!!

Hei Dell, what's going on???

  • Hi All,

    I know you've been anxious to hear more about when Quest will have a replacement for the vRanger 7.6 release. We appreciate your patience as we worked out the details of how to deliver a high quality release to you.

    We have a definite release plan at this time. If you would like more information about when we can deliver this release to you, please contact Support for further assistance.

  • Hi All,

    I know you've been anxious to hear more about when Quest will have a replacement for the vRanger 7.6 release. We appreciate your patience as we worked out the details of how to deliver a high quality release to you.

    We have a definite release plan at this time. If you would like more information about when we can deliver this release to you, please contact Support for further assistance.

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