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Error : 2319 - RETRY timedout operation timed out [at timeout_thread:470]

After upgrading to 7.6 from 7.5.1 backup work but replication fails at all time with all VMs.

Error : 2319 - RETRY timedout operation timed out [at timeout_thread:470]

What i noticed so far is the snapshot occured on the selected VM and his replicate but then LAN-FREE failed.

Any hint?


  • Ok guys, if you upgraded to 7.6 for upgrading VMware to 6.5 just don't upgrade VMware and you can roolback to a previous version of vRanger.
    Just hang up with support and i'm back on track with 7.5.1.
    If you did upgrade to VMware 6.5 prior to upgrade vRanger then you didn't do your homework and right now I dont know if support can help you.
    So if you have that error with VMware 6.0 or less and with vRanger 7.6, ask support, they can help you good.
  • Ok guys, if you upgraded to 7.6 for upgrading VMware to 6.5 just don't upgrade VMware and you can roolback to a previous version of vRanger.
    Just hang up with support and i'm back on track with 7.5.1.
    If you did upgrade to VMware 6.5 prior to upgrade vRanger then you didn't do your homework and right now I dont know if support can help you.
    So if you have that error with VMware 6.0 or less and with vRanger 7.6, ask support, they can help you good.
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