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vRanger - Backup Problem

Hello Forum,

I have a problem with the backup of an VM.

VRanger running on an physical Windows Server 2012 R2.

Virtual Software = VMware 5.5

VM1 = Windows Server 2008 R2 German incl. MS SQL Server 2008 Express Edition

VM2 = Windows Server 2012 R2 English incl. MS SQL Server 2012 Express Edition

Backup on an SCSI attached Storage MSA2012sa with enough space.

VM1 = scheduled task each saturday - always successfull

VM2 = scheduled taks on monday, wednesday, saturday - always failed

I just have deleted the task and set it up new, but that doesn't help.

No problems on the network.

I don't have any idea why.

Thanks Achim

If there is someone with an idea to resolve the problem that would be great.

  • vRanger DB
    The SQL Version is SQL Express 2008 R2 (10.50.6220). The DB limitation is 10 GB. But is this the limitation for the instance or for each database. In the instance there are 2 DB from the Report Server Modul and one DB named Catalog. Here are the size of the databases.
    Catalog = 2,81 MB
    ReportServer = 8,06 MB
    ReportServerTemp = 3,06 MB
    vRanger = 162,13 MB

    Yes the VMware tools are up to date. No there is no USB drive attached at the VM and no passtrough device. No we dont use quiesce backups and an error within the VSS writers is not displayed. The only difference to VM1 is the database version SQL Server 2008 (

    See the log from the VM1 here:
    [2017-05-13 21:00:59.164]: vRanger Backup & Replication - v5.5.0.25454
    [2017-05-13 21:00:59.164]: Selected Options: Check destination for free space. | Compress backed up files. | Update notes with the latest backup results. | Enable Active Block Mapping (ABM). | Selected SpaceSavingTech: None | Included Disks [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64].
    [2017-05-13 21:00:59.179]: Task for virtual machine DESK-UC was queued.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: SourceVm:DESK-UC | Uuid:564dafea-23ed-1210-f820-be4ee95d9689 | VC:N/A, Host:esx.peterhoff_nt.local [ESXi 5.5.0]
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Beginning backup task for DESK-UC
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Starting task validation.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Connection to esx.peterhoff_nt.local was properly validated.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: esx.peterhoff_nt.local is properly licensed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Test connection to repository VM-Backup starting...
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.539]: Test connection to repository VM-Backup successful!
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.929]: Ending task validation... success!
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.929]: Beginning initialization of backup information.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.929]: Retrieving the tasks parent information.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.101]: Retrieving save points for any full backups associated with this job.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.117]: Finished initialization of backup information successfully.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.117]: A Full backup will be run for this task.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.179]: Gathering credentials for DESK-UC completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.195]: Checking for VMotion completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.351]: Gathering data for DESK-UC from API completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:06.179]: Gathering data for esx.peterhoff_nt.local from API completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:06.289]: Retrieving the VM BIOS configuration completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:06.757]: Checking free space on VM-Backup completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.085]: Creating a snapshot for vRanger completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.820]: Gathering data for DESK-UC from API completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.835]: Local machine is a physical machine.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.851]: Backup task will attempt to use Machine-based VDDK SAN.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:20.992]: Using filter type(s) active map for disk: vix:r:[datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:26.304]: Backup failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists. Error Message: 3201 - can't open [datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:26.304]: The failed backup task will be retried.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:32.179]: Backup failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists. Error Message: 3201 - can't open [datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:32.179]: The failed backup task will be retried.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:38.007]: Backup task using VDDK SAN failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists. Error Message: 3201 - can't open [datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:38.007]: Backup task will be attempted using a Machine-based VDDK network connection.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:47.179]: Using filter type(s) active map for disk: vix:r:[datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:17:15.863]: Backing up disk 'vix:r:[datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk:moref=4:4-snapshot-5:6' completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:21.281]: Checking and enforcing retention policy completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:33.905]: Removing snapshot for vRanger completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:34.344]: Commiting savepoint data to VM-Backup completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:35.673]: Verifying the content of the repository completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:36.237]: Updating VM notes completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:36.466]: Setting VM event completed.

    The VMs are running very well on the VMware maschine.
  • vRanger DB
    The SQL Version is SQL Express 2008 R2 (10.50.6220). The DB limitation is 10 GB. But is this the limitation for the instance or for each database. In the instance there are 2 DB from the Report Server Modul and one DB named Catalog. Here are the size of the databases.
    Catalog = 2,81 MB
    ReportServer = 8,06 MB
    ReportServerTemp = 3,06 MB
    vRanger = 162,13 MB

    Yes the VMware tools are up to date. No there is no USB drive attached at the VM and no passtrough device. No we dont use quiesce backups and an error within the VSS writers is not displayed. The only difference to VM1 is the database version SQL Server 2008 (

    See the log from the VM1 here:
    [2017-05-13 21:00:59.164]: vRanger Backup & Replication - v5.5.0.25454
    [2017-05-13 21:00:59.164]: Selected Options: Check destination for free space. | Compress backed up files. | Update notes with the latest backup results. | Enable Active Block Mapping (ABM). | Selected SpaceSavingTech: None | Included Disks [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64].
    [2017-05-13 21:00:59.179]: Task for virtual machine DESK-UC was queued.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: SourceVm:DESK-UC | Uuid:564dafea-23ed-1210-f820-be4ee95d9689 | VC:N/A, Host:esx.peterhoff_nt.local [ESXi 5.5.0]
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Beginning backup task for DESK-UC
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Starting task validation.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Connection to esx.peterhoff_nt.local was properly validated.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: esx.peterhoff_nt.local is properly licensed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.070]: Test connection to repository VM-Backup starting...
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.539]: Test connection to repository VM-Backup successful!
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.929]: Ending task validation... success!
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.929]: Beginning initialization of backup information.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:04.929]: Retrieving the tasks parent information.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.101]: Retrieving save points for any full backups associated with this job.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.117]: Finished initialization of backup information successfully.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.117]: A Full backup will be run for this task.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.179]: Gathering credentials for DESK-UC completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.195]: Checking for VMotion completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:05.351]: Gathering data for DESK-UC from API completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:06.179]: Gathering data for esx.peterhoff_nt.local from API completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:06.289]: Retrieving the VM BIOS configuration completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:06.757]: Checking free space on VM-Backup completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.085]: Creating a snapshot for vRanger completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.820]: Gathering data for DESK-UC from API completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.835]: Local machine is a physical machine.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:11.851]: Backup task will attempt to use Machine-based VDDK SAN.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:20.992]: Using filter type(s) active map for disk: vix:r:[datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:26.304]: Backup failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists. Error Message: 3201 - can't open [datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:26.304]: The failed backup task will be retried.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:32.179]: Backup failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists. Error Message: 3201 - can't open [datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:32.179]: The failed backup task will be retried.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:38.007]: Backup task using VDDK SAN failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists. Error Message: 3201 - can't open [datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:01:38.007]: Backup task will be attempted using a Machine-based VDDK network connection.
    [2017-05-13 21:01:47.179]: Using filter type(s) active map for disk: vix:r:[datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk
    [2017-05-13 21:17:15.863]: Backing up disk 'vix:r:[datastore1] DESK-UC/DESK-UC.vmdk:moref=4:4-snapshot-5:6' completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:21.281]: Checking and enforcing retention policy completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:33.905]: Removing snapshot for vRanger completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:34.344]: Commiting savepoint data to VM-Backup completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:35.673]: Verifying the content of the repository completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:36.237]: Updating VM notes completed.
    [2017-05-13 21:17:36.466]: Setting VM event completed.

    The VMs are running very well on the VMware maschine.
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