Recent Ideas
  • Turn off automatic queue owner.

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Apr 7, 2017
    We are upgrading from Stat 5.7.3 to 5.8 and noticed that when you move to another queue the queue owner field is auto-filled Stat 5.8). Users say that it is easier to have the field blank and would like to have it reverted back.
    • Apr 7, 2017 2:01 PM
  • Allow Setup Objects to be added as file objects

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on May 31, 2017
    • 1 Comment
    The majority of setup objects are created using FNDLOAD. It would be useful to allow these to be treated as file objects. For example, if Oracle provide LDT files for upload, these could be added, using the appropriate Stat object, from Working. Or, as...
    • May 31, 2017 3:01 PM
  • Ability to build and save a release for future use

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Sep 15, 2017
    Mass Migration by Release is an attractive looking feature but, in our experience, not really practical. I would be useful to be able to change the migration order of CSRs, Archive Sets, and Objects at the release level (which I'm sure was in 5.6 but...
    • Sep 15, 2017 10:50 AM