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  • Remove or allow disabling of workflow status "too close" error

    • Ideas
    • Coming Soon on Aug 15, 2019
    • 1 Comment
    I would very much like to see an option that allows the System Administrator to disable the workflow message that indicates when a status is too close to another status to properly display workflow arrows. This message can really slow down creating...
    • May 8, 2019 5:11 PM
  • Forgot Password link in STAT

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Jan 24, 2017
    Currently, STAT Administrators or any user with "STAT Password - Reset" user class can reset his/her password. But to do that user has to login to the STAT client. Take a scenario, wherein user forgets the password and in this case he/she would have to...
    • Jan 24, 2017 4:04 AM
  • Record latest patch release

    • Ideas
    • Coming Soon on Oct 3, 2019
    Please make it easier for a customer to determine which "patch application" that they think that they have applied. Now that patches are being released on an almost monthly basis, it can be very challenging for a client to determine which patch that they...
    • Oct 2, 2019 3:07 AM