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  • Prevent users from approving their own work

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Dec 21, 2017
    I'd like to be able to have a group/class defined for doing code reviews that includes a set of developers and technical leads. However, some of these people will also be developing themselves. They shouldn't be able to approve their own CSR/work. Can...
    • Dec 21, 2017 5:17 PM
  • Allow Setup Objects to be added as file objects

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on May 31, 2017
    • 1 Comment
    The majority of setup objects are created using FNDLOAD. It would be useful to allow these to be treated as file objects. For example, if Oracle provide LDT files for upload, these could be added, using the appropriate Stat object, from Working. Or, as...
    • May 31, 2017 3:01 PM
  • Please add Service Domain Code and CSR ID as Columns 1 & 2 in "default task query" on web

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Dec 20, 2017
    The current default task query in web does not include the Service Domain and CSR ID. I know how to add the columns manually and to position them, but I think that they should be there by default. Without those key fields there, I have the same tasks...
    • Dec 20, 2017 5:25 PM