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  • 5.8 - Queue Owner default-want to default to Open by instead of Queue Owner

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    • Coming Soon on Oct 25, 2017
    Previous to 5.8, when creating a CSR, the user was required to choose from the people assigned to the queue that is in place for the first step in the workflow. There was no default user assigned. Apparently in 5.8, Stat was "enhanced" to automatically...
    • Jan 23, 2017 5:23 PM
  • Extend Stat Central Agent Job Mainenace Job Class

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Aug 2, 2019
    Add two new Job Classes to the Job Class drop down in the Job Defintion form. The first, Lock all unlocked objects - This job would lock all objects on an open CSR that had unlocked objects. This typically happens when objects are added to a CSR and...
    • Aug 2, 2019 9:34 PM
  • export archive set from within one csr to a new csr

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Sep 26, 2017
    with the need to address oracles switch to selective adoption and overlapping objects, it would be very beneficial to allow an archive set export from one csr to another. This will allow developers to work on objects while migrations are pending and still...
    • Sep 26, 2017 3:32 PM