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Stat Central Agent Monitor


I am going to creating a Stat Central Agent monitor and wondering the best way to determine if the Stat Central Agent is down.  It will be a shell script that will execute from the Stat Central Agent server. The way I am thinking to monitor is check if the Stat Central Agent process is running from the operating system.  A 2nd check is to query the Stat Merc_Wake table where column agent_type is 'S' and column update_dt has not been updated in the last hour.  Will include a 3rd check against the Stat Central Agent log greping for connection errors when the 2nd test fails.  The monitor will then trigger an email when it detects those conditions.  Has anyone else created a Stat Central Agent monitor?  If yes, what conditions do you use to determine if the Stat Central Agent  is "Down"?  Also let me know any other way I can check the Stat Central Agent.

Let me know.

Thanks.  Tom

  • Hi,

    We set one up using the stat_agent table a few years ago. I don't fully recall why we used the stat_agent table over the merc_wake table; I think the wake table was still incinerating but the agent table stopped.  When we had a count of 1 an email would kick out using a third party product.  Since the STAT agent has become more stable we stopped using the script, but this worked well for us.  Hope this helps.

    select count(*) from stat_agent
    where agent_descr= 'Central Agent'
    and last_update_dt < sysdate - interval '20' second;

  • Hi,

    We set one up using the stat_agent table a few years ago. I don't fully recall why we used the stat_agent table over the merc_wake table; I think the wake table was still incinerating but the agent table stopped.  When we had a count of 1 an email would kick out using a third party product.  Since the STAT agent has become more stable we stopped using the script, but this worked well for us.  Hope this helps.

    select count(*) from stat_agent
    where agent_descr= 'Central Agent'
    and last_update_dt < sysdate - interval '20' second;
