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EOS - modules installed today and STAT Agent is hanging periodically

We have installed EOS modules today on our STAT non-PROD environment.

We are seeing STAT Agent hanging after sometime. Did anyone run into this issue? and any recommendations to resolve the issue

  • We installed AP, PO and GL modules.
    Stat EBS Agent status is always "Responding".
    When we try to add setup object to a CSR we see a pop-up box "Fetch is in progress. To Cancel, press cancel button". This pop-up doesn't go away and it just stays there.
    Once we bounce the STAT agent it starts to work fine. After sometime users complain again and we had to bounce the agent to resolve the issue.
  • We installed AP, PO and GL modules.
    Stat EBS Agent status is always "Responding".
    When we try to add setup object to a CSR we see a pop-up box "Fetch is in progress. To Cancel, press cancel button". This pop-up doesn't go away and it just stays there.
    Once we bounce the STAT agent it starts to work fine. After sometime users complain again and we had to bounce the agent to resolve the issue.
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