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SOA Gateway Integration Interfaces

Has anyone configured Stat for managing ISG Integration Interfaces (ildt files)?


Ideally we'd like to have Stat generate the ildt files but, if that is not feasible, we're happy to upload from Working.  Our current process is as follows:

Undeploy Integration
Migrate Database Objects
Upload Integration to ISG (using FNDLOAD)
Deploy Integration

I'm not sure how essential the undeploy is, as development has been by a third party, but, I suspect it could be done following the migration of the DB objects.  If so, it should be straightforward enough to have Stat call a shell script that performs the undeploy, the FNDLOAD and the deploy.


  • Hi Nic,

    In 2014, I created a Stat custom object named: SOA-Gateway PLS that calls a shell script I wrote to handle creating the ildt using and then uploads using FNDLOAD using lct file: wfirep.lct. So for us it handles most of the steps needed to handle our SOA Gateway needs. It is not handling the SOA Generate and SOA Deploy on the app servers. Also we have multiple App Servers so deploying on the 2nd app server requires us to use tar and ftp after deploying on the 1st app server and untar and run SOA Deploy on the 2nd app server. Also the needed grants have to be done manually. We do not undeploy on the target. Almost done with a complete solution that includes handling SOA Generate and Deploy on the app servers. Have not figured out how to automate the grants.

    Our solution is based on Oracle Doc ID 556540.1 "Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12"

    Also this link may help:

    Hope this helps.

    Tom Shaw

  • Hi Nic,

    In 2014, I created a Stat custom object named: SOA-Gateway PLS that calls a shell script I wrote to handle creating the ildt using and then uploads using FNDLOAD using lct file: wfirep.lct. So for us it handles most of the steps needed to handle our SOA Gateway needs. It is not handling the SOA Generate and SOA Deploy on the app servers. Also we have multiple App Servers so deploying on the 2nd app server requires us to use tar and ftp after deploying on the 1st app server and untar and run SOA Deploy on the 2nd app server. Also the needed grants have to be done manually. We do not undeploy on the target. Almost done with a complete solution that includes handling SOA Generate and Deploy on the app servers. Have not figured out how to automate the grants.

    Our solution is based on Oracle Doc ID 556540.1 "Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12"

    Also this link may help:

    Hope this helps.

    Tom Shaw

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