• I want shareplex v9.1.4 release notes

    I need to check the restrictions of shareplex v9.1.4
    so I want shareplex v9.1.4 release notes

    Can anyone please share shareplex v9.1.4 release notes?
  • Shareplex replication statistics?

    What common options, if any, are available to gather statistics about the amount of data replicating from one database to another? Is this functionality built into Shareplex, or can it be gleaned from Shareplex; or possibly is this  functionality in foglight…

  • shareplex server spece for linux

    Hi Team,

    We are planning to configure shareplex for our oracle environment. Hence could you please share the required server specification & network information to do complete this task.



  • Shareplex replication data traffic statistics


    I'm new to Shareplex product. We use it for replication across DCs.  Although we have stats for the backlog, I'm looking for replication data traffic stats  happening between the DCs for monitoring the bandwidth utilization and .furture…

  • Shareplex on Oracle Cloud

    I have asked this two years ago. Any new development in Oracle Cloud PaaS Support?

    We have  a project to move a SE database to the cloud and I need to know if I can use Shareplex for doing this.


  • How many Transactions process per second that shareplex for oracle can handle

    Dear All,

    In the theory, will I be able to know the maximum Transactions that the shareplex for oracle can process per second?

    Thank you

  • Oracle to Oracle Initial load possible ?

    Hello There,

    We have 25TB of 12c Oracle Database on (sun solaris ) and our client wanted to move it to AWS ( Linux OS ). 

    Can you please let me know how can we achieve this with minimal downtime with out setting up Datagaurd. 

    Does Shareplex supports…

  • SharePlex on OEL (RHEL) 8.x

    When will SharePlex be supported under OEL (RHEL) 8.x?
  • Change Shareplex json format choice

    This is a very simple example :


    Queue: p1

          parameters defining data formatting:


                decimal = .

                enotation = 14

                record = json

          parameters for kafka target:

             topic = test


                api.version.request = false

                broker = localhost:9092


  • Shareplex replication on oracle standby database

    Hi There,

    Just wondering shareplex replication can work on oracle Standby database(source DB) to extract the data ?

    our customer already have environment with setup of shareplex replication on production database to reporting database.

    Now we are going…