6.9 Install Agent and Core

This has been the worst experience in over 20 years of this product. 

On the Core I clicked on update now.  Then proceeded to try to get the agent.  No licenseportal so had to find the place to DL it.

Attempt to install the agent on VM's and receive notification 4.8 is needed.  Clicked ok to that and that Failed.  Stating the Server needed .Net 2.0 sp2!?!?! Tried again same message. I thought maybe if I install .net 3.5 so I installed .net 3.5 Tried the Agent Install again same thing as before must install .net 4.8 click ok it acted like it was going to install then Failed. I then rebooted for Reboot #1  Login and start the install of the agent again the install states must install .net 4.8.  Then BAM! You must reboot. Reboot again! Reboot#2 After that reboot the agent install ran and claimed it was done and I must reboot again.  Yep Reboot#3.  Reboot the server and move on to Core

While all of this is happing on the VM's I see absolutely nothing on the Core.  In the mean time I had DL the core, Agent and Local Mount Util 2.5 hours in and still nothing on the Core.  I tried to start the manual install of the Core received a message that the Install is already running!!! WTH its been 2.5 hours.  I rebooted (Reboot #1) the core at this time.  After the Reboot I started the Core install manually and 4.8 is required click ok to that and (Reboot #2) Log Back in and install started on the core and you guessed it another Reboot (Reboot#3.)  Core is now installed and working but the two VM's reporting offline.

Login to VM's to check the QRR service as this sometimes does not start.  Well it was missing.  I waited thinking maybe the have gotten away from the service. Nothing after 20 minutes so I ran the installer again this time in Repair mode the agent installed and another Reboot! Reboot #4

This seems a bit excessive what normally would take about .5 hours to update the core and Agent now takes 3 hours.  This is only the first site, I have 20 more to deal with and some have up to 8 VM's  What has happen to Rapid Recovery?

For this site I'm lucky there was nobody trying to work for the rest of the sites we service I will not be able to have them down for 3+ hours I will lose clients.

  • I have personally upgraded Core and agents from 6.8 to Core 6.9 on Windows 11 and Windows 2022, and agent on 2016, 2019, 2022, and Windows 11, and so far no issues. 

    Which OS are you using? 

    Not sure if you did, but in case you didn't before attempting to upgrade the rest of your systems make sure all Windows updates are up to date. 

  • Everything at this site is Windows Server 2019 Standard.

    As I said I have never seen issues like this.  Very Frustrating.

  • Out of curiosity, can you take a look at these 2 registry keys: 


    It should have a list of every .net version, in my case it has every version from 4.0 up to 4.8.1, if any of those 2 are missing one or more entries it will give you problems with the installation.

    Screenshot: app.screencast.com/5xQ881YGzJxq8

  • After all the Updates, Reboots and other nonsense yesterday those servers do not show what you have 4.8.1.

    One of the servers for Tomorrow is showing 4.7.2

    4.8.0 Must be in 24-05 and 4.8.1 in 24-06

    I updated Quest RR on seven Windows 2019 Standard Servers today and had to reboot four the of the seven for .net 4.8 and had none of the nonsense about.net 2.0 sp2

    Regardless it will be two reboots if 4.8 is missing. Either 4.8 gets installed by windows update or the QRR update.

    Perhaps just doing the windows updates this month and wait for QRR until next month will the better option.