Rapid Recovery 6.5 and VMWare ESXi 5.5 Create VM

Looking to upgrade my cores to RR 6.5 for VMWare ESXi 7.0 support. I still have a ESXi 5.5 cluster in my environment. I use agent based backups for all my servers. Only process i would need the core to be able to do on ESXi is create virtual standby or VM export to create a VM from a backup in case of a server failure. I realize 5.5 is out of support and Quest wont help with issues. My question is, will RR 6.5 connect correctly to ESXi 5.5 to create the VMs as needed. The ESXi is a full license (not free)

  • I do not know this offhand, but I will be happy to try this. I can attempt this for you.

  • thanks...i would appreciate that

  • Initial thoughts, I would not recommend going to RR 6.5 if you are running ESXi 5.5. I have yet to get an export to even start. There are vddk errors as soon as the jobs begin. I have tried a couple cores and a few jobs, none even create the VM, they fail on the initial api call to create the VM. Now, the only other ambiguity is that this build isn't up to date, however my VCs are old enough I can't run update manager against a 5.5. host (sorry). I'd highly recommend NOT upgrading to RR 6.5 if you were/are running ESXi 5.5 still. If you're not on 6.4 I can try 6.4 too, didn't think about that in fact. 

  • Initial thoughts, I would not recommend going to RR 6.5 if you are running ESXi 5.5. I have yet to get an export to even start. There are vddk errors as soon as the jobs begin. I have tried a couple cores and a few jobs, none even create the VM, they fail on the initial api call to create the VM. Now, the only other ambiguity is that this build isn't up to date, however my VCs are old enough I can't run update manager against a 5.5. host (sorry). I'd highly recommend NOT upgrading to RR 6.5 if you were/are running ESXi 5.5 still. If you're not on 6.4 I can try 6.4 too, didn't think about that in fact. 

  • I need 6.5 in order to talk to my ESXi 7.0 cluster...I do have an older set of what was Dell DL appliances running i update those to 6.1.3 to keep compatibility for my one site that is going to be ESXI 5.5 only until 2022....I am just wondering what the newest version is that still works with 5.5...i think 6.4 still lists 5.5 but not supported...if its not too much trouble...can you test 6.4?

  • Gotcha. Yeah man, I can test that. Not a biggy. I actually wonder what the last VC version was that allowed me to update 5.5 so I can fully update 5.5. Unless you have the ability to get me an .iso for 9919047 or 9313066? Either way, I'll do a 6.4 core sure thing. 

  • I just tried a 6.4 core against esxi 5.5 and I can not get a VMware export started. 

  • thanks...i guess i will upgrade my older DL's to 6.1.9 and the newer servers to 6.5...thanks for all the work you did testing this out

  • You're welcome - honestly I'd kinda fun to tinker around now and again. I'd been awhile in fact. Also RR 6.3 appears to be able to export to ESXi 5.5. At least the GA versions of both RR and ESXi. I'll run the 5.5 through update manager to see you can go higher. However it looks like 6.3 would be an option for you if you are still using 5.5. 

  • You're welcome - honestly I'd kinda fun to tinker around now and again. I'd been awhile in fact. Also RR 6.3 appears to be able to export to ESXi 5.5. At least the GA versions of both RR and ESXi. I'll run the 5.5 through update manager to see you can go higher. However it looks like 6.3 would be an option for you if you are still using 5.5. 

  • thanks...i am going to download 6.3 if i decide to go that high....i didnt realize the DL appliances had a specific RR installer up to 6.1.3..which cant be downloaded any more....trying to get support to help me with that. My DL is out of support...so dont know how high my chnaces are...

  • That is correct, there 'use' to be a separate DL installer (the RUU), that was discontinued, and now there is just 1 installer for ALL Rapid Recovery devices. Once you run the installer you get a warning message that says the Appliance tab will no longer be available. This was removed from all the builds of RR after it was no longer part of Dell as that was their technology I do believe. Other than that, it is straight install. As long as you have an active license you should be able to download and install whichever version of RR you wish to use. 

  • i have the standalone 6.1.3 installer(non RUU version) i used on my newer cores....if the RUU install only keeps the appliance tab (which i dont care if i lose that) i wonder if i can run the standalone 6.1.3 installer on my DL appliances and have it work? While chatting with support this morning, they told me i needed to get support involved as the dl 5.4.3 license would need to be converted from hardware to software based license to use with the 6.1.3 install.. any idea if that is accurate?

  • You might have to get a software license as technically it will no longer be an appliance. There'll be a 0 charge transaction on there end, you'll need to call into support and basically state just that, you need your DL lic converted to a SW lic. If you run the 6.1.3 installer (non-RUU) the 'worst' that will happen is that the appliance tab will show up red or yellow, permanently. You'll have every RR functionality, but none on the appliance tab. Otherwise, yes, worst case scenario you upgrade and find out need a new lic (and the appliance tab is gone, and you have 30 days to get with support to get the lic converted).