Rapid Recovery 6.5 and VMWare ESXi 5.5 Create VM

Looking to upgrade my cores to RR 6.5 for VMWare ESXi 7.0 support. I still have a ESXi 5.5 cluster in my environment. I use agent based backups for all my servers. Only process i would need the core to be able to do on ESXi is create virtual standby or VM export to create a VM from a backup in case of a server failure. I realize 5.5 is out of support and Quest wont help with issues. My question is, will RR 6.5 connect correctly to ESXi 5.5 to create the VMs as needed. The ESXi is a full license (not free)

Parents Reply
  • Initial thoughts, I would not recommend going to RR 6.5 if you are running ESXi 5.5. I have yet to get an export to even start. There are vddk errors as soon as the jobs begin. I have tried a couple cores and a few jobs, none even create the VM, they fail on the initial api call to create the VM. Now, the only other ambiguity is that this build isn't up to date, however my VCs are old enough I can't run update manager against a 5.5. host (sorry). I'd highly recommend NOT upgrading to RR 6.5 if you were/are running ESXi 5.5 still. If you're not on 6.4 I can try 6.4 too, didn't think about that in fact. 

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