Help troubleshooting Azure archive (powershell)

We are seeing a lot of issues when setting up cloud accounts to Azure. We know the issue is with Azure but since its being configured from RR we are always involved (and blamed)

Could anyone help me find a way to test the information that RR uses to setup a cloud account but outside of RR?

I am thinking it could be done with powershell fairly easy but I am not sure what would be required. I would love it if there was a quick script/ commandlet I could type into powershell to test the customers setup. If it fails in powershell then they know the issue is azure not RR. It also seems like it maybe easier to troubleshoot this way also

I tried to ind enough information from azure logging and RR but they don't seem to pass enough information for me to pull the cmd apart

Thanks in advance

  • Quick question, does the Core pass any other information when setting up the Cloud account? For example is the current user information passed from the Core Console session?

    The reason I ask is because the setup only asks for 7 items. And we are not really worried about the first 3 for this question

    Display name:
    Cloud type:

    Tenant ID
    Application ID
    Secret key
    Subscription ID

    The error returned is that the client/ object id 123 does not have authorization (123 is of course what I changed the long number to for clarity) here is the error:

    Exception chain:
    Serialized exception information was not found in the database.
    Recovered details are: System.InvalidOperationException: Azure resource manager credentials is invalid. ---> Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException: The client '123' with object id '123' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read' over scope '/subscriptions/456' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials. at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.SubscriptionsOperations.d__6.MoveNext()

    I have no idea where 123 comes from, it is not the number we entered for Tenant, Application, Secret or Subscription and they don't see it anywhere in the Azure Portal. So I am not sure where it is coming from

  • The client ID and the Object ID should both be visible on the app registration you created.

    That should be what it is passing through to try and authenticate.

    One of our engineers recreated this specific issue by not giving the app registration IAM permissions on the subscription. So that's probably where I'd start.

  • Will send you private message. The 123 does not match any of those numbers

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