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Rapid Recovery Agent Problems

Ive been fighting an issues with the rapid recovery agent. After installation and the requested restart, my PC comes back with a recovery failed to launch windows problem. Im forced to reset the PC to get back to the desktop. has anyone experienced this problem before?

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  • Follow up problem. When I run the backup recovery disk. The text box that marks as IP says not installed. I installed the agent and restarted the pc already

    Edit: I believe my problem is coming from a driver issue. I've downloaded all of the drivers for our surface pro 3's and I have been successful in loading some of the drivers from those files. My network adapter shows that it's driver is up to date and my storage drives. I still have a yellow expiration point to the left of the IP text box though. 

  • So you were able to get the agent installed properly, and also able to back it up.

    It sounds like you are going through actions for testing a bare metal restore, from you follow-up post here.

    Surface Pro considerations for a bare metal restore can be a bit tricky due to its connectivity. Please review what this KB has to say about "dongles" and drivers.