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Error with archive backup on Amazon AWS after upgrade to 6.2.1


after updating our Rapid Recovery from 6.1.x to 6.2.1 i have problems with the backup to Amazon AWS.

Actually we have the following installation:

  • hourly snapshots
  • daily backup to an archive on an external drive
  • daily backup of our archive to the cloud (Amazon AWS, S3)

It worked fine with version 6.1.x of Rapid Recovery. But after the upgrade to 6.2.1 i cannot upload to Amazon AWS anymore.

The snapshots and the drive-backup run fine on the system. But the AWS-backup brings an error with these details:

System.ArgumentNullException: Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein. Parameter name: source bei System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) bei Replay.Core.Implementation.Backup.Jobs.BackupJob.<>cDisplayClass132_0.b0(BackupEpochItemInfo x) bei Replay.Common.Implementation.Utilities.CollectionAlgorithms.EnumerableExtensions.ForEach[T](IEnumerable1 source, Action1 action) bei Replay.Core.Implementation.Backup.Jobs.BackupJob.ExcludeAlreadyExportedImages(Dictionary`2 volumeImages) bei Replay.Core.Implementation.Backup.Jobs.BackupJob.SelectRequestedVolumeImages() bei Replay.Core.Implementation.Backup.Jobs.BackupJob.BackupTask() bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

I already deleted the archive job and the cloud account and made new ones. But the error still remains.No i have no more idea what i can do now.

I hope someone can help me with this.

And is it possible to downgrade to the older version of Rapid Recovery, in case that this is a bug?

Thanks in advance


  • What S3 region are you uploading your data to? What recycle action are you using in the archive job? Are your recovery points in the repository encrypted with an encryption key? I know these sound like random questions but the error says the "value cannot be null" which means the software is looking for a piece of information and getting a null response which is invalid. Since you already recreated the cloud account and the archive job I doubt the issue is with those settings. So we have to identify what other possible values could be missing. This very well could be a defect.

    We do not recommend downgrading Rapid Recovery. Is it possible? Yes. Does it come with a risk? Yes.

    If you were to downgrade you should backup the registry branch HKLM/software/AppRecovery and then delete it. Then you will need to uninstall 6.2.1 (do not check the box to uninstall all settings and delete everything). Then you will need to install 6.1.3 and set the core up as if it was brand new but instead of creating a repository you could "open existing" and connect to your current one.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I upload the backup to the region EU (Frankfurt). And yes, it's encrypted with a key.

    The jobs ran with the "Incremental" recycle action. I changed it to the "Replace this Core"-action and now it uploads the data. 

    What i did:

    • tried to run the daily jobs (backup workstations) => Failed
    • Delete / create new jobs => Failed
    • Force the backup of the servers (same S3 region, same incremental backup) => Successful

    Then i played around with the recycle actions and after i set it to "Replace this core" the upload started (ok, with much data ;-))

    When the upload is complete i try to set it to "Incremental" again.

    I really don't know why one archive has no problems with an incremental backup and the other job throws this error message.

    Tomorrow i set the recycle action back to "Incremental". Maybe it works again then. 

    I keep you informed :-)

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I upload the backup to the region EU (Frankfurt). And yes, it's encrypted with a key.

    The jobs ran with the "Incremental" recycle action. I changed it to the "Replace this Core"-action and now it uploads the data. 

    What i did:

    • tried to run the daily jobs (backup workstations) => Failed
    • Delete / create new jobs => Failed
    • Force the backup of the servers (same S3 region, same incremental backup) => Successful

    Then i played around with the recycle actions and after i set it to "Replace this core" the upload started (ok, with much data ;-))

    When the upload is complete i try to set it to "Incremental" again.

    I really don't know why one archive has no problems with an incremental backup and the other job throws this error message.

    Tomorrow i set the recycle action back to "Incremental". Maybe it works again then. 

    I keep you informed :-)

  • Hi,

    well, it seems that it works again :-) 

    When the upload of the complete backup was finished i set the recycle action to "Incremental" again.  And tonight the scheduled backup job ran without problems  So it seems that the old backup wasn't compatible with the new core or had some other problems. So my problem with the AWS upload seems to be solved now :-)