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Migrate Protection from 5.4.3 to 6.2.1

My current production backup are 2 DL4000 appliances running 5.4.3. I have set up RR 6.2.1 on 2 new 2016 servers. WHat is the best way to migrate protected machines from the DL4000 to the new RR 6.2.1 servers? FOr now i am going to leave the agents on the windows servers at until i make sure everything is working. I assume since RR creates logs on protected volumes to keep track of what needs to be backed up that i cannot have both Appassure and Rapid recovery protect the same machine. If i export the snapshots on 5.4.3 can they be imported on 6.2.1?

  • Hi slarinsol, 

    The way to move protection from Core to another is to simply "Protect Machine" as per the following:

    You will get a warning during this process advising that this machine is protected by another Core and if you want to proceed, just click next.

    I would recommend that you upgrade the Agents from to sooner then later. Unless you have Server 2003 boxes or Operating Systems that are not supported by

    Once again, not supported to have work with a Core, exports may or may not work but if they do not work we would likely advise to Upgrade Agent to

    Please let me know if you have any other questions. 

  • Hi slarinsol, 

    The way to move protection from Core to another is to simply "Protect Machine" as per the following:

    You will get a warning during this process advising that this machine is protected by another Core and if you want to proceed, just click next.

    I would recommend that you upgrade the Agents from to sooner then later. Unless you have Server 2003 boxes or Operating Systems that are not supported by

    Once again, not supported to have work with a Core, exports may or may not work but if they do not work we would likely advise to Upgrade Agent to

    Please let me know if you have any other questions. 
