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Replication WAN Issue

We recently updated our core at our DR facility to  Our main facility is at  We replicate roughly 100 servers at night.  Since we upgraded to we noticed that our replication is taking an extra hour to hour and a half to complete.  Network graphs show that we are not using 100% of the WAN connection when we replicate at night.  The connection will go up and then it looks like before it starts the next server replication the connection stops and waits and then starts the next server.  If we replicate one server with a large amount of data the software uses the entire WAN connection for that one server.  We have never had an issue with this prior to upgrading DR.  Our nightly replication always used 100% of the WAN connection until all servers we replicated to DR.  We didn't make any configuration changes to the network or to the backup settings when we upgraded to this new version but we now have encountered this issue.  Can anyone give me any thoughts on this?

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  • Thanks for your response but if I am reading this correctly we need to update the target core first, as long as we do that then everything should work properly.  That's what we did we upgraded the target core first and we picked up this issue.  We are reluctant to upgrade our source core in fear that this will cause additional slowness to the process.

  • You are probably right. No idea if the issue with performance is related directly to the new build or the version difference between cores. Of course there is no way to find out either since RR does not log any performance detail of use