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Exchange Mountability Check Reuqirements - 6.2.x

I am setting up a new Rapid Recovery server. I know i need to install SQL on the core to do mountability checks of SQL.. But if i remember correctly, when i set up 5.4.x, i had to install Outlook on the core server to communicate with exchange. What if anything needs to be installed on the new core server to protect Exchange 2010 completely and do the required DB checks?

  • Hello slarkinsol, 

    You are correct about SQL, that you need to have it installed for mountability checks. But with Exchange you do not require Outlook or anything like that.

    You may need to have a MAPI Profile (Outlook Profile) configured to perform a Mailbox restore or something like that. But does not need to be set up for mountability checks.

    Good luck with the rest of your setup. Please let us know if you have any other questions during the setup.

  • Maybe the Outlook installed on my old version was done for Mailbox restores....its been 5 years since it was set up...i will install outlook and connect to exchnage for the mailbox restore functionality...

    On the SQL thing...i will be installing SQL 2016 on the core...any features other then the DB server function need to be installed during the SQL install?


  • Maybe the Outlook installed on my old version was done for Mailbox restores....its been 5 years since it was set up...i will install outlook and connect to exchnage for the mailbox restore functionality...

    On the SQL thing...i will be installing SQL 2016 on the core...any features other then the DB server function need to be installed during the SQL install?


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