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BlockMode Replication Error on Exchange 2016 when RR6.2.1.100

Environment is Exchange 2016 CU10 Enterprise DAG, two sites, connected via 100MB dedicated fibre.  RR core backing up local active & passive database copies at site.  All involved servers are Server 2016 Standard

Since installing RR6.2.1 we've seen BlockMode Replication failure errors on the Exchange server being backed on every mailbox database up at the top of every hour (our backup schedule), Event ID's 2007 & 2027.  The only correlation between the error and it's occurrence is that backups start.

Before trying to open a ticket with Quest and muddling through, has anyone noticed similar issues with their 2016 DAGs and RR6.2?  I'm asking specifically as relates to DAGs; stand-alone Exchange environments don't apply here.



  • Hi SteveB,

    Thank you for the post. I am not aware of any issues with 6.2.1 and BlockMode replication failures with Exchange DAGs. It would likely be best to open a case with Support to review your logs, if you haven't already. We will need to review the logs to confirm the error and make sure no issues with Rapid Recovery.

    Thank you and have a Happy New Year.

  • Hi SteveB,

    Thank you for the post. I am not aware of any issues with 6.2.1 and BlockMode replication failures with Exchange DAGs. It would likely be best to open a case with Support to review your logs, if you haven't already. We will need to review the logs to confirm the error and make sure no issues with Rapid Recovery.

    Thank you and have a Happy New Year.

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