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connection broken when writing/reading from the DR4100 CIFS container


I have a challenge with my backup container.

Every time my backup application reads/write to it, it times out with the following message in the application: "Cannot write to device ([67] The network name cannot be found".

We changed the backup location to a different storage server and no errors were encountered.

Does anyone have an idea what could cause a broken connection to the DR4100? 

I am using HP data protector version 9.09 for backups, accessing a CIFS container on the DR4100.

  • Hello Phillip,

    This type of question is not usually a single answer so I'll ask some questions and give some ideas on how to narrow down the actual issue.

    Several issues could cause this so if you would like someone to work with you please open a case.


    Is the DR4100 joined to domain?

    Is storage location configured by IP or by name in HP Data Protector?
    If by name can you correctly resolve the name in this case?

    What account is being used to access the DR4100 CIFS share from HP Data Protector server? (Don't need the exact account name but is it a domain account or local CIFS user on DR4100)

    Can you access the CIFS share from the HP Data Protector server outside of HP Data Protector?
    Best test would be with same account and same IP or Name.
    If it's configured by name try it as IP.

    Has the DR4100 been recently upgraded?
    Was it working then stopped working after DR4100 upgrade?

    Lastly we could enable guest mode the DR4100 to test if it is or isn't an authentication issue.
    from DR1000 command line via ssh: system --guestmode --enable
    Test connectivity from HP Data Protector.
    If this works then it's likely authenication issue, if it doesn't work then possibly issue with DNS/routing or blocked IP.
    To turn off guest mode system --guestmode --disable

  • Hello Scott,

    Thank you for the reply and recommendations.

    The DR4100 is joined to a domain and configured by IP in HP Data Protector and the name can be resolved.

    Accessing the CIFS share using domain account (added Domain Admins group on DR4100)

    The share is accessible outside HP Data Protector, mapped in Windows as Z drive using IP.

    No upgrades have been done on the DR4100, only a faulty drive was replaced on it.

    I will test connectivity with guestmode enabled and post results later on.

  • Hello Scott,

    Thank you for the reply and recommendations.

    The DR4100 is joined to a domain and configured by IP in HP Data Protector and the name can be resolved.

    Accessing the CIFS share using domain account (added Domain Admins group on DR4100)

    The share is accessible outside HP Data Protector, mapped in Windows as Z drive using IP.

    No upgrades have been done on the DR4100, only a faulty drive was replaced on it.

    I will test connectivity with guestmode enabled and post results later on.
