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Initially Pause Replication & Other Q's

1) Do I want to check this off when seeding to disk or not? Will it just catch up after the drive is consumed if I pause it?

2) I assume the "orphan chain" it refers to are incremental backup performed before the replication core is seeded. Will the replication core sort all this out on it's own after consumption?

3) Do I need to take all the backups from the primary core? It would be nice to just take a base and a few recent. Is this what the max size thing means?

4) The rollup jobs on the primary core seemed to balk while all this was running. Should I pause backups while I do all of this?

I'm going to write a guide once all this is done.

  • 1. There is no reason to pause replication while seeding. If anything you want it to keep running so that the new backups are replicated while the seed drive is in process of travel and import on the target.

    2. Orphan chain refers to instances where replication is already set up and there are different retention policies or possibly orphans created by previously failed seeding attempts. If this is your first time replicating and seeding, just use the defaults. There is no need to do anything special. Replication will sort everything out on its own.

    3. You have to take all the backups from the primary core. The max size option is for specifying the max seed file size in a single location. Say you had 8 TB of data to seed but you only had 5 x 2 TB seed drives. You could specify the max size at 1.8 TB so that you don't fill up the drive completely and then you could have it write to each location one after another. Very few people use the max size option since the job will run  until it fills up whatever target location you specified for the seed and then it will ask for another location.

    4. Rollup is blocked by a seed job. You don't want to delete recovery points that are in the process of being written to a seed drive. Just let rollup be blocked. It's not a big deal. Seeding does not block new backups, so just let back ups run. No need to pause them unless you want to have all of your repository time dedicated to writing the seed (and therefore better performance and a quicker job).

  • Good answers, thanks.

    What about the "add all agents"? I read this to mean add all protected machines but it must mean something else. I only selected one protected machine earlier in setup but this was checked off by default.

  • Good answers, thanks.

    What about the "add all agents"? I read this to mean add all protected machines but it must mean something else. I only selected one protected machine earlier in setup but this was checked off by default.

  • That option is for when you are setting up replication for all agents at one time but only want to seed a few of the machines. Say you have 10 machines and 9 of them are less than 200 GB combined. Then you have 1 machine that is 5 TB in size. You want to seed the one machine but not the others. If you set up replication and choose all protected machines during the add machines to replication wizard, then you can uncheck the "include all protected machines" during the seed setup and include only the one machine you want to seed. That way you only have one machine in the seed and the rest will replicate over the wire.

  • Ugh really? So it's going to try and replicate all the remaining machines over the network by default? OK I'll start over again.


  • If all you chose was one machine when you created the seed, yes.

    You can recreate the seed very easily. Just select all the machines under replication and then click on "copy". Copy is another term for creating a seed.

  • I just want to do the one machine for now. I want to do additional machines one at a time later. So I will choose one to seed and de-select "add all agents" correct?

  • if you uncheck the box for "add all agents" it will show you the agents you can choose in the seed. If you start the wizard with 1 agent selected and you uncheck that box it will only show one agent. It'll make sense once you do it. Uncheck the box and see what shows up. If it's not what you want, close the wizard and choose the agents you want to seed. THen start the wizard again.

  • Yes I see that now. It made me re-select the machine I had already chosen previously. Is it just me or does that process need some work or at least better documentation?

    Something else I noticed is that my USB seed drive and getting pretty poor write speeds (15-25 MB/s). I swapped it out for another USB drive and got similar speeds. However when a backup is running the write speed to the USB drive suddenly jumps up drastically.

    Thanks again, I appreciate the fast help.