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Expanding DR Strategy Question(s)

Hi All,

I currently have a repository for my mission critical servers and a standby hypervisor that I export VM's to. I want to add another off site hypervisor (it's connected to us by fiber already) but I am not sure how to make it work. I am not opposed to buying more licenses.

Since you can't export to two hypervisors (hint hint) my first though was to turn on VM replication between the on site hypervisor and the off site one but this does not work. The scheduled export to VM  fails if the hypervisor has replication pending.

My second thought was add the offsite hypervisor as another core but in the case of a disaster I don't think it would really help me. I really need a standby VM there and ready to turn on. Exporting from the core to the hypervisor takes about 20 hours for one of my servers never mind needing several. I have not tried exporting a VM locally from the core but I can't imagine it's as fast as one that is already there.

Any ideas how to make this work?

  • Time maybe an issue as now there is a replication job that has to run also and it sounds like this core is already busy. 

    Adding an offsite Core should work. Then configure the offsite core to run an export to the offsite hypervisor. Maybe add 2 cores, make both new cores perform the export so your primary core is not burdened with that task (but does have to run 1 replication, make sure your dedup cache is set correctly)

    I wonder if there would be any performance improvements if the export was run to a local disk (vmware workstation) I set this up once awhile ago where we ran the export to local disk and turned around and imported the resulting .vmdk into vShere so it was available to vmware. 

    Since your Core seems very busy, I would try to get the replication to happen outside of RR like you did with Vmware replication. See if there is a way past the issue with exports failing if there is a pending replication

  • The core really isn't that busy. It sits idle most of the time providing it's not doing a base image or an export. My problem with another core is now I need twice the storage. I need core storage and Hypervisor storage.

  • The core really isn't that busy. It sits idle most of the time providing it's not doing a base image or an export. My problem with another core is now I need twice the storage. I need core storage and Hypervisor storage.

  • You mentioned that one export takes 20 hours, so I assumed the core may not have time to run other jobs.

    Yes and No. Set the retention on the second core(s) very low. Just enough to hold the incoming replication then push it to vmware. 

    So you will need more storage, but not double/triple

  • That makes sense. Dumb question (and I'm reading now) how do I manage the second core or don't I? Do I need to install Core software at the remote site or do I ust control it all from my existing one? What happens if this one dies?

  • The Central Console used to be able to manage multiple cores but they removed it and you have to use the quest portal now. It sounds like they are going to try and monetize this portal moving forward. I don't have a ton of experience with the portal, just talked with one of the PM's involved

    This should get you started with fail over and back of replication cores

  • So the seeding process instructions seem to indicate that I should have a core there.

    On the target Core, open the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and from the icon bar, click Replication.

    So this is from the portal now? I assume after I dedicate a server because it's not there now.

    Is it possible to have one there? Like buy another instance?

  • The portal is used to manage multiple cores at once.

    You still manage a single core from the normal Core Console. So setting up replication is done from the local core using the Core Console (not the portal)

  • Just to follow up for anyone that reads this in the future. You have to install the core software on the second machine to make this work. You control each one from it's own console. Replication to a see drive and so on works as expected then.