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Appassure 5.4.3 and backing up Windows 2016 server ?

I realize that 5.4.3 is out of support but i am trying to wait until i buy new RR appliances in Q1 2019 to upgrade. And the official RR response to Windows 2016 support would be not supported...but does that mean that the 5.4.3 agent wont install on Windows 2016 server? Will 5.4.3 core work and back up a 2016 server even though it isnt offically supported?

  • AppAssure 5.4.3 does not support Server 2016 and if I remember right, even if you get the 5.4.3 agent installed and the machine protected, you'll get errors. It's been a while since I've seen someone try it so I can't remember exactly.

    Do you have an active maintenance contract? If you do then you are entitled to upgrades at no additional cost. That would solve your issue. If you don't have a valid maintenance contract, then that doesn't help.

  • i was trying to wait to upgrade when i get new current ones are almost 5 years old....i am under maint contract.....i am curious what sort of errors....something i may be able to deal with for the next few months....

  • The oldest appliance model that was ever sold by AppAssure/Rapid Recovery is still supported with the latest version of our software (Rapid Recovery Since you are under maintenance, I'd recommend an upgrade. It's a pretty straightforward process but you can always open up a support case if you want some help with it.

  • its a Dell DL4000...all my agents but one are running agent....i have one server still running both these old agents compatible with

    I actually have 2 DL4000 that replicate with each other

  • its a Dell DL4000...all my agents but one are running agent....i have one server still running both these old agents compatible with

    I actually have 2 DL4000 that replicate with each other

  • agent is compatible with The 5.4.1 agent will have to be upgraded to at least before you can continue backups. We highly recommend upgrading all agents as soon as possible after the core upgrade so that you can take advantage of all the latest features and functions.

    If you have 2 DL 4000s that replicate to eachother you will need to do the update to both at the same time. Otherwise replication will not work until their versions match.