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How to reclaim repository space from a deleted base image?

I know this is probably a simple question and answer, but I've been unable to find out how to reclaim space in my repository after deleting a base image.  I ran a check of the repository.  I did not run an optimization because that would take too long.  I was hoping there is a quick way to force the repository to get rid of the deleted base image.  Because the repository size has not changed since I deleted it. 


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  • Oh that first link is helpful.  It pointed me to look at the tasks and click the settings wheel which brought up some hidden tasks that were running which I never new about.  The "Deleting Index RPFS file"  has been running since I performed the deletion and it is almost complete.  So apparently this is going on in the background and I didn't realize it because this event is hidden.  i will wait for this to complete and see if my repository clears the space after.  Will let you know within the next 30 mins. 

  • That worked.  I just had to click the services wheel in the event viewer to show those events.  Then I was able to see the deleting index RPFS running.  Now it took much longer to complete.  It seemed to be at 95% when I first responded and then it reset itself down to 50% and took another 2 hours.  But it did reclaim the unused space.  So thanks for the help!