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Rapid Recovery start to make a new Base image, in stead off continuing making snapshots

I have installed version 6.2 but after a restart, and a DVM repositories check, Rapid recovery starts making a Base Image backup, in stead off making a snapshot. How can i Prevent rapid recovery making a Base image. My disk space is to little, to make a new Base image?

  • The need for a new base image, is not initiated from the core (unless it is the first backup, or you manually request one). The agent is what determines it, or if doing agent-less protection, the api call interaction with VMware and Change Block Tracking (CBT). The most common reason for a base image is an unexpected shutdown of the OS that is running the agent, for an example every time that the protected machine (if it is Windows) says Windows was not properly shut down, you will get a base image. The full list is as follows:

    Those are what case base images, the core rebooting doesn't cause base images though, unless it is the core that is being backed up, then it could. 

  • Hello, There was an unexpected shutdown, during a long Power failure.

    I have deleted the repository, and created a new base image

    Thank you for your support.

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