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Windows update KB4093123 broke the web interface for v6.1. Is there a way to workaround this w/o upgrading (I have a perpetual license w/o a service contract) or removing the update?

That is all.

  • On one core, I removed this update. When I searched for new updates, this one did not come back. I installed new updates and it broke the interface again. Can you tell me which updates I cannot install? I would prefer to not disable updates as they are mostly security updates. 

    Or, do you have a patch for this?

  • There is a patch which you can contact support to get. Or you can install the latest version of the core which is 6.2. It contains a fix for the issue. I'd recommend installing the latest version. 

  • There is a patch which you can contact support to get. Or you can install the latest version of the core which is 6.2. It contains a fix for the issue. I'd recommend installing the latest version. 

  • I can't update. I do not have a service contract. I'll see about getting the patch. Thanks.

  • Sorry, I missed the part where you don't have a service contract. You can't open a case without a support contract so you can't get the patch either. Emte posted the two KBs that I know of that cause the issue. 

  • I opened a support case. Hopefully, they will send me the patch as the version was provided to all users regardless of service contract status.

    We are in an unfortunate situation. We bought DL4000s with AppAssure. After one year, we were unable to purchase AppAssure support without buying support for the hardware as well (1/4 of initial hardware cost per year). It was outrageously expensive. Plus, we didn't need support for the hardware. Lesson learned.

  • Hi kbc:

    The good news is that we are a software only company now so you do not have to buy hardware support from us :)

    Since you have a DL 4000 I was wondering if you have Rapid Recovery 6.1.3 installed as the patch refers only to this build.

    Please see below the best course of action to get your core GUI back. Please note that I have seen a few cases where neither the patch (nor the steps below) worked. 

    1.            Download vc_redist.x64.exe and vc_redist.x86.exe from
    2.            Download P-2377.msi from the link sent to you by the support team
    3.            Stop core service (and the SRM service since you run on a DL)
    4.            Install all three downloads
    5.            Start the core service

    Please let us know how it goes.

  • This worked. Thanks to everyone!