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Possible to replicate only selected volumes from server?

It is possible to replicate only certain volumes from a server?  For example, can I replicate volumes D: and E: but not F:?

I see this same question was asked three years ago and the answer was "no", but I'm hoping this limitation was addressed since then.

Is there a way to do it?

  • Short answer is no, you can't just replicate certain volumes. You are not able to pick and choose what 'parts' of a recovery point that get replicated. When you replicate the core will send over the entire recovery point, and even if you break up the backups so that recovery points contain only certain volumes there is not an ability to only replicate certain recovery points. The option is to replicate the RPs for the agent, not some of them.
  • Short answer is no, you can't just replicate certain volumes. You are not able to pick and choose what 'parts' of a recovery point that get replicated. When you replicate the core will send over the entire recovery point, and even if you break up the backups so that recovery points contain only certain volumes there is not an ability to only replicate certain recovery points. The option is to replicate the RPs for the agent, not some of them.
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