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Deferred Delete / Repo space

Does anyone from RR have any insight into the Deferred Delete Process and/ or managing full repo's?


1) Deferred Delete

I cant find a lot of info on deferred delete past

- How is it different than the normal deleting rpfs index file jobs? Does it just run after a delete is performed vs waiting till the nightly?

- Is there any reason not to enable this (and if not, why is it not the default) 

- If we upgrade to v6 and enable deferred delete (or the normal nightly job) Will this clean up v5 repos that were affected with several bugs from v5 repos, such as the ones documented here


2) Full Repo's

I wish you guys would take a look at this entire repo situation. We constantly have sites call us with full repo's and it is a pain to deal with. The Cores are always in this catch 22 where you need space to free up space and we always seem to end up doing something we don't want to do just in order to get it running again and each time, what we have to do seems different. These types of posts go back years without any change, the forum suggested 2 of them as "solutions" to me when I was creating this one

Some idea's

- Have the Repo reserve some space for performing jobs that clear up space, like deletes, rollup etc. Make it so this space can not be consumed long term, EVER

- Have the Core stop backup when the repo reaches a certain % full or even better a % of the total size. So a working % is stored if the repo is 500GB or 50TB, make this configurable

- Have some sort of external space that can be used for jobs like rollup, RP deletes. Even if we had to add a storage location to the repo that was used for this process ONLY. so we could add it, delete data, run rollup and then DELETE the storage location from the repo (long shot, probably)


Or maybe I am missing something that is already there? If so, I would love a bit of guidance


Thanks in advance

  • Great discussion and thanks Tim

    A few comments

    This is the first I have heard about (there is no other mention on the forum that I can see) I just took a quick look and honestly it does not seem that useful. It kinda looks like a black hole where ideas go in and are all but forgotten or something that is directed towards sales vs technical people. The reply's don't seem helpful from a technical stand point either. For example

    The user took the time to write up a long and detailed post and the official reply seems pretty vague. What improvements were made, how do they address the problems mentioned, what version has those improvements and how to do I track what improvements are scheduled for what release.

    It also does not look like the RR PM's are very involved. There are 74 ideas and only 1 is planned (selecting Rapid Recovery + planned show 0 results so that appears broken) and it is just CSV support so that was going to be in the product at some point anyhow. And it has been an issue on the forums for a very long time. This came up in the 5.x days and you no longer even support that version

    I used to chat with old Appsure PM's and nothing we talked about ever made it into the product. Its it not like this problem is unique to RR but flashy sales items get added every release, but fixes to make it more supportable and reliable once it is installed are a battle.

    I think a lot of the issues that most of us (you included) would like to see are very deep in the product and would take a HUGE re-write of the entire product and not something that comes along often. That is why v6 was so disappointing to me. It was billed as this huge re-write and everyone told me how great it was going to be but I cant think of a single core issue that was changed. It was all GUI and Sales stuff. I suppose I could include dedup cache, it was a GREAT feature but how it was implemented still causes a ton of issues

    As far as the report that Tudor created (I think) I agree it is great but several issues with it.

    1) We have a fair amount of Cores and I don't directly mange any of them. So getting this report installed on every core is impossible.

    2) Installing this report actually creates a more work, the report did not run for some reason, there is a question on the output or it is off, can we change this or that, so now I get to spend my day messing with the report vs having this data in the core product like every other enterprise software.

    3) This is Powershell report that RR wants me to install to help manage their product. Yet if there are ANY issues with the report, guess what. It is not supported.

    I don't want to sound negative. RR is a great product and has some amazing features/ options or else we would not be using it. But if you have ever used another enterprise backup product or dealt with RR for any amount of time, it also has these gaping long term support ability/ reliability issues. I think my posting history shows I am trying to help both the users and the product and I hope my post is taken that way vs just being a nuisance
  • Great discussion and thanks Tim

    A few comments

    This is the first I have heard about (there is no other mention on the forum that I can see) I just took a quick look and honestly it does not seem that useful. It kinda looks like a black hole where ideas go in and are all but forgotten or something that is directed towards sales vs technical people. The reply's don't seem helpful from a technical stand point either. For example

    The user took the time to write up a long and detailed post and the official reply seems pretty vague. What improvements were made, how do they address the problems mentioned, what version has those improvements and how to do I track what improvements are scheduled for what release.

    It also does not look like the RR PM's are very involved. There are 74 ideas and only 1 is planned (selecting Rapid Recovery + planned show 0 results so that appears broken) and it is just CSV support so that was going to be in the product at some point anyhow. And it has been an issue on the forums for a very long time. This came up in the 5.x days and you no longer even support that version

    I used to chat with old Appsure PM's and nothing we talked about ever made it into the product. Its it not like this problem is unique to RR but flashy sales items get added every release, but fixes to make it more supportable and reliable once it is installed are a battle.

    I think a lot of the issues that most of us (you included) would like to see are very deep in the product and would take a HUGE re-write of the entire product and not something that comes along often. That is why v6 was so disappointing to me. It was billed as this huge re-write and everyone told me how great it was going to be but I cant think of a single core issue that was changed. It was all GUI and Sales stuff. I suppose I could include dedup cache, it was a GREAT feature but how it was implemented still causes a ton of issues

    As far as the report that Tudor created (I think) I agree it is great but several issues with it.

    1) We have a fair amount of Cores and I don't directly mange any of them. So getting this report installed on every core is impossible.

    2) Installing this report actually creates a more work, the report did not run for some reason, there is a question on the output or it is off, can we change this or that, so now I get to spend my day messing with the report vs having this data in the core product like every other enterprise software.

    3) This is Powershell report that RR wants me to install to help manage their product. Yet if there are ANY issues with the report, guess what. It is not supported.

    I don't want to sound negative. RR is a great product and has some amazing features/ options or else we would not be using it. But if you have ever used another enterprise backup product or dealt with RR for any amount of time, it also has these gaping long term support ability/ reliability issues. I think my posting history shows I am trying to help both the users and the product and I hope my post is taken that way vs just being a nuisance
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